Komar & Melamid and Dave Soldier
"The People's Choice: Music"

$13.99 | CD | Catalog #MUL002
Release date: 2001
The People's Choice: Music, composed by Dave Soldier with lyrics by Nina Mankin. Written according to results from a poll of over five hundred Americans on their musical tastes. The survey results were used to design two musical compositions, one that would be liked by the greatest number of listeners, and the other that would be intensely disliked by the greatest number of listeners.
View some of the survey data used to create this release. The CD booklet also shows the results of some of Komar & Melamid's most wanted and most unwanted paintings. The survey can be downloaded here.

Read an article (PDF file) by Dave Soldier about this project.
Review by Salon magazine
A self-described "idiotic" review
A National Public Radio interview about this CD
Dave's merciless correspondence with a well meaning but statistically insignifcant music critic
More about Komar & Melamid
More about Dave Soldier