The Thai Elephant Orchestra
"The Thai Elephant Orchestra"

$13.99 | CD | Catalog #MUL004
Release date: 2002
Temple Music
Thung Kwian Sunrise
Catalog #MUL004 | Format: CD | Release date: 2002 | Price: $13.99
Elephants in the Thai jungle playing specially designed musical instruments. The elephants improvise the music themselves. The Thai Elephant Orchestra was co-founded by Richard Lair of the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang and performer/composer Dave Soldier. Half of the profits go to the Conservation Center.
The first CD Thai Elephant Orchestra includes a twelve page color booklet that details the beginning of the project and features the orchestra's first performances.

A PDF article by on this and related projects by Dave Soldier
Article about the Orchestra from The New York Times
Article on Thai elephants (features the orchestra) from National Geographic
Article from Time Magazine
Article from The Economist
Video: with lots of playing shot by SBS in Australia
Video: Swedish TV story with nice film clips of the performances
Video of a trio and an 8 piece from June, 2006 by Neal Christensen
Audio: BBC radio interview
Audio: a long Canadian Radio interview
More about The Thai Elephant Orchestra
More about Dave Soldier